Sunday 1 August 2010

Grayce and George visit us in Harbourville

We invited Grayce and George to lunch at our apartment in Harbourville - Zu made a lovely vegetable soup and we had fresh buns and strawberries and ice-cream - here we are eating together - it was a little cool on the deck so we ate in the kitchen.
First picture is taken by Zu and second by Muriel.

After lunch we all decided to go to Muriel's favourite place - Hall's Harbour about 30 mins away by country roads. Muriel wanted "the boys"to experience real lobster from the pound so we went and bought it cooked to take home. Notice the expressions on Zu and Wouter's faces as we carried the 3 1.5 llb lobsters to the cookhouse! Zu is proud to be carrying them and Wouter is worried that these poor live lobsters will be plunged into boiling water. While we waited for them to be cooked we had tea and coffee with Grayce and George in the restaurant.

The photo on the right and below are of Hall's Harbour where Rebecca first caught her first fish (7 Boston Bluefish) when she was 7! It has changed a lot since - now has a restaurant and is really nicely landscapted - certainly more touristy than Harbourville!!

That evening we had our second meal of the meal that Zu cooked the night before - lovely! It got a little chilly on the deck as you can see.

Below is one of the spectacular sunsets we have seen here!

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