Monday 2 August 2010

Quebec City here we come

After setting out in the sunset at 6:45 a.m. (because the Digby Ferry left at 8:00 a.m.!) see picture below - We are now on our journey home and after a very lengthy delay (the Quebec highways seemed to be full of roadworks!!)we got to Quebec City around 6:00 p.m. and luckily had our dinner reservation for 8:30 at the well known old Restaurant aux anciens Canadiens. This gave us time to catch a local bus (suggested by the Hotel staff) to the old town. It took longer than we thought about 30 + minutes. .

Here are some shots of the old town

The photo above is the Chateau Frontenac a very palatial and impressive building. They also had some interesting statues tucked into corners of buildings - here are a couple - one on the left rather like a Cirque de Soleil character the other

is working with logs I believe which of course is

very much an important industry i.e. logging in Canada.

This photo is of Wouter and Zu outside our very old (for Canada)restaurant founded in the 18th Century.

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